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Personal Trainer session
& mountain fitness assessments

Mountain fitness training with highly qualified professionals...
We are with you literally every step of the way, when you are preparing for one of our courses, and many people find that they require the assistance of a Personal Trainer for private training or even a specific mountain fitness assessments.
You can book one of our team of fully qualified Personal Trainers in the Lake District, or sometimes in the Alps, by the hour. This service is available throughout the year, so if you are visiting the mountains, then why not book a session to help with your preparation.
For those who are seeking advice on if a particular course would suit them, then you could book a mountain fitness assessment, to ensure that you book a course where you are sure that you have a sufficient physical level.
All of team of Personal Trainers are experienced athletes who have raced in some of the greatest mountain races in the world, such as the UTMB. Our team are also dual qualified as Personal Trainers and International Mountain Leaders.
Booking: decide what day(s) you would like a training session, and get in touch by e-mail. We will upload a private session onto our online booking system, then you can pay securely online, and receive an immediate e-confirmation.
Price: £25 per hour or part thereof (based on a fixed 2 hour min / max session), reduced to £20 per hour for 5+ separate sessions in a week. For running sessions of more than 2 hours, either the half day (from £100) or full day rate (from £140) is charged, with the exact rate dependant on distance and challenge of the objectives you are aiming for.

Thank you for the CCC training sessions. They really helped me to learn the route, and to develop a good race plan and strategy for the event. I finished just outside my target time, but that was due to a problem with my shoes in the last 10km or so. I was really happy though, and your efforts to train me made all the difference

Per J , Mountain Fitness

An excellent two days, where I picked up so many tips, and great advice

Marion A , Mountain Fitness

Great to see you again, and thanks as ever for all the support and for a tough day out in the hills. The weather made it a tad harder, but that's all part of the fun isn't it?

Adam L , Mountain Fitness

Don't leave your course to chance. Get help so that you don't let yourself down

Adele McD , Mountain Fitness

Just a quick note to say a belated thanks to you for the trail running tuition I received the other week. I found the session very useful and learnt quite a lot in a just a few hours. This was invaluable in helping me complete my first trail race (The Mont Blanc Marathon) last Sunday. I did the race in 7 hrs 27 which was not too bad for my first outing – and would have been quicker but for a knee problem I developed half way round which slowed me down for the rest of the race. I would certainly recommend Icicle to anyone looking to develop their trail running skills

Richard L , Trail Running Personal Training

Mountain fitness assessments
What better way is there to test how your mountain fitness programme is progressing, than on real mountain terrain, in the UK or the Alps? These mountain fitness assessments are based in mountainous terrain, where you are taken out on terrain to test your balance, fluidity of movement, recovery, speed and strength.
At the end of the assessment, your Personal Trainer will be able to advise you on how to adapt your current training regime on the build up to your course. This is invaluable in ensuring that you are working on the correct muscle groups, and developing sufficient levels of aerobic endurance.
A key focus of these mountain fitness assessments is to help build your confidence on training on mountain terrain, to cross train various parts of your body, in order to help protect you from injury. After the assessment your Personal Trainer will be able to advise on how realistic your course goal is.
In the mountains there can be no absolute guarantees of success, but no one will ever doubt that you get more out of any trip, the more that you put into it. Many clients found these mountain fitness assessments a useful tool to focus their training, and to provide clear intermediary goals.

When you are based in the office, and going to the gym a few times a week, I found it very hard to guage where my fitness was at in terms of how I'd perform on a mountain. I found this assessment session brilliant to know I was on track, and it paid off when I was on Mont Blanc

Iain C , Mountain Fitness

I really appreciated the honest and open feedback that I got from my trainer. On the weeks after, I kept remembering tips I'd been given, to use as training tools

Rhian R , Mountain Fitness

A genuine thank you for giving me a gentle kick up the bum (not literally) to increase my training. It made all the difference when I was on the ski tour, and I knew how to work well at my recovery rate. I could not endorse this assessment high enough to anyone. It made the difference between success and failure for me

Robert F , Mountain Fitness

Personal trainer booking
We have helped people with a wide range of requirements, from working on ascent and descent techniques when they are running cross country, to weight management, toning, and the development of long term training plans.
Many people are now turning to Personal Trainers to provide more than the latest trendy class at the gym, to provide real results. All our sessions are outside, in the best gym of the world: the mountains of the Lake District or the Alps.
Get in contact to speak with one of our Personal Trainers to discuss your requirements, and to arrange a training session to assess your current level, and how to develop further, in order to achieve your goals realistically.
The focus of our style of training, is to provide a tough but goal driven workout in an amazing environment, and to introduce some fun back into training. It doesn't have to be a slog for the sake of it. We know, we've been there!
For some guests the training is at walking pace, others scrambling on rougher ground, and some fell running. We aim to provide a 50:50 mixture of activity and coaching various skills for you to be able to practice afterwards.
In the 2 hour session, you should expect to go no further than 10km, but be trained on fell and mountain terrain.

Please pass on my thanks for a highly inspirational and motivational series of training sessions. They really helped get my mojo back, and I'm more focused than ever before, so thanks again

Sally D , Personal Training

Living in the Alps, it sounds silly, but I had never seen the mountains as my gym, but now my eyes are opened to the potential, and I can't wait to get out again

Isabella R , Personal Training

These bookings have really moved by race training up a couple of gears, and it was so good to be trained by someone who had competed in the race I was aiming for

Stephen E , Personal Training

Ultra Trail Mont Blanc CCC
Winter night trail running
Ultra Trail Mont Blanc UTMB
98km long, +5600m vertical
On snowshoes from Servoz
to Plaine Joux at night
(UTMB, France, Italy, Switzerland)
170km long, +9700m vertical
Virtual training
Online assistance

Mountain training plans and support
V i r t u a l - P e r s o n a l
T r a i n i n g - P l a n s
We know better than most, what the specific physical demands the hills and mountains make of us, and it puts us in a unique position to advise you better, to help you prepare for a trip. With this in mind, we offer Virtual Personal Trainer services, to develop a unique plan for you, building up to your trip.

This service doesn't require you to travel to meet a Personal Trainer, as all the planning is done over the internet. We are based in the Lake District, and can also arrange for a meeting to discuss a training plan, if you prefer a face to face meeting. The key for us it to treat your training requirements as being as unique as you

• Initial assessment, with a detailed study of your current training and the objective you are aiming for.
• Training plan is provided following your feedback on the initial assessment, and is for a fixed timescale.
• E-mail mentoring from your trainer on a weekly basis, to support you through your training planner.
• Mid plan evaluation, and adjusted plan to cater for your development, and any adjusted goals / aims.
• End of plan assessment, and a full feedback report, to help you maintain your fitness going ahead.

• 1 month = £40 pcm

• 3 months = £25 pcm
• 6 months = £20 pcm
All the costs are calculated to the nearest full month, on the most cost effective plan for you. For example a 10 week programme would be £75 (i.e. 3 months at £25 pcm).


If you would like to book an online Personal Training programme, please e-mail us with a brief summary of what you would like to achieve, and we will quote on it for you, and send you a link to book online. Then your Personal Trainer will get in touch to start the programme at an agreed date.
UTMB and CCC finisher tops, Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc
There are thousands of gyms and also Personal Trainers, but at Icicle we pride ourselves in being staffed by Personal Trainers who really walk the walk, not just talk the talk. You are coached by highly experienced professionals, who regularly compete in world class events. For those who know a little bit about trail running, the finisher jacket collection above really shows our mountain pedigree. Rest assured that our plans are designed by experts in their field, who really tailor the plans to build up your mountain fitness. We won't come up with loads of jargon, but will provide you with plans that we've tested ourselves, and which will be tailored to you.
All of our actual trail and fell running courses, as well as our virtual PT services, aremall run by passionate mountain athletes. More important than that they are all highly qualified leaders too, who really know the region and the best areas to train in whatever the weather and conditions. The training sessions are run by fully qualified UIMLA International Mountain Leaders (a legal requirement for leading groups in the Alps), who are also Personal Trainers too.

FREE Podcast: Getting into trail running...
view website course page
Trail running is a fast growing sport, and this podcast explains what it involves, how to get into it, and also goes through all of the equipment that is required
Download podcast
See all podcasts
Author signed!
'Trail Running Chamonix &
the Mont Blanc region'
...or the NEW book...
'Trail and Fell Running in
the Lake District'
buy a copy
by Kingsley Jones. Cicerone Press

£14.95 each
Each book has 40 trail running
routes, each with height profiles,
and full colour mapping

Features how to adapt your
running in the mountains, and
an index of where to stay

Includes famous races in each
region, e.g. UTMB, Langdale
Horseshoe and Chamonix VKM

To purchase a copy, click here

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