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Mount Kilimanjaro 5895m
Join us to trek the Machame / Rongai / Lemosho routes, and safari extensions...

We've been operating trips to Kilimanjaro for nearly 20 years, and so are one of the most experienced UK adventure travel companies. There's a range of routes to select from, and you can create a bespoke trip with a Safari extension in one of the amazing nature reserves near the Kilimanjaro national park.

Top 5 reasons that people book with Icicle for climbing Kilimanjaro...

Experience - Kilimanjaro falls within the easier scope of the range of technical courses we offer, so is well within our comfort zone

Acclimatisation - Our pedigree in altitude climbing trips, means these itineraries are tightly controlled to maximise acclimatisation

Success - In nearly two decades of offering these trips, the summit success rate is over 95%, with no accidents or injuries at all

Protection - With our full travel bonding, all monies paid to us are protected and untouched until after you return home after the trip

Advice - Our trip advisors have all climbed Kilimanjaro, and so can give you detailed advice, with a real personal touch

Machame route
click for details
Rongai route
click for details
Lemosho route
click for details
Mountain focus
click for details
Safari extensions
click for details

FREE expedition kit bag

All those booking on these trips get this tough c.65 litre capacity kit bag.
It is designed for full expedition usage and is made out of durable fabric, and features carry straps.
It normally retails at £50. UK postage is included.
So how much will the ascent of Kilimanjaro cost in total?

It isn't cheap to climb Kilimanjaro, and we want you to be aware of the costings and rough budget that you should expect, before contemplating an ascent. The column to the right outlines all the major elements that you need to consider. In terms of equipment, no technical kit is required, though a warm duvet jacket is highly recommended for in camp, and the summit day.
Guided itinerary from Icicle: from c.£1000
Park fees on Kilimanjaro: from c.£750
Flights to Kilimanjaro airport: c.£650
Recommended tips for porters: c.£50
Visa for entry to Tanzania: c.£50
TOTAL = c.£2500 per person

Acclimatise on Kili

Unlike some operators, we avoid the infamous four or five day summit dashes, as this gives you a very low chance of summiting, and a very high risk of mountain sickness.

As you can see from the altitude graphic below, our expeditions spend seven days on the mountain and four days around 4000m before the summit bid.

Our acclimatisation programme works. We are very aware of the symptoms and effects of altitude sickness (AMS), and will be briefed on this.

Buy the Kili map

Group experience
Our formula is to restrict the group sizes, so that there are a maximum of 10 clients. The small group sizes enable us to run specialist ascents, where the group can bond well, and each expedition member has great access to all the Icicle staff, local guides and porters. On the summit day the guiding ratio is one guide per two clients. This is more intimate than the mass group commercial style expeditions run by some operators, where the individuals needs and speeds cannot be catered for.
Group photo at the Lava Tower (4600m), with the head local guide Evans on the right

Although you require no previous mountaineering experience for this expedition, you are advised to be a competant trekker who is familiar with up to six hour days with 1300m height gains. As you will note from the itinerary, this expedition is quite intensive in order to ensure your acclimatisation. Upon booking you will be sent an expedition dossier & training training schedules.
Kili climate change

The weather patterns on Kilimanjaro are changing, and the icefields are shrinking. Generally it is not necessary to use an ice axe or crampons on the mountain.

The summit crater icefields on Kilimanjaro, lit by the sunrise on the summit day

The typical weather at present is clear mornings, then an afternoon cloud build up (often with short shower), then the clouds break in the evening and over night. This pattern explains why the day of the summit bid commences at midnight to take advantage of the clear skies

Kili guidebook

Guides and porters
For every two clients on an expedition, we use one local guide and up to three porters. The porters carry these tents and the sleeping bags, as well as the mess / cook tents and food, so you need not worry about carrying any major loads each day. When you stay in camps on Kilimanjaro, the tents are high quality tents designed for altitude use, such as the Mountain Hardwear Trango series tents. The porters pitch and strike the tents for you each day.

The team of local porters and some of the guides that are used on each expedition

At each camp site on the mountain, there are basic toilet facilities.
We recommend you carry only a 20 litre bag at most, the size of a typical day sack for hillwalking in the UK. We have a head local guide, who is ably supported by a regular team. We ensure that all guides and porters are suitable fed and clothed, and have forged close links with the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistant Project, www.kiliporters.org.
Trip food & water
A key factor in the success of any expedition is its how well rested and fed the team is. We have ensured that the camps and porter services are as high as possible. All the meals on the mountain are provided throughout the expedition, so each day you are provided with breakfast (porridge, eggs, sausages, toast, fresh fruit), lunch (packed or cooked, such as spaghetti bolognaise, fruit, cakes), afternoon tea (coffee / tea / hot chocolate, and biscuits), and a large dinner in the evening (soup, main course, and dessert). The cooks and porters supply hot water to wash before meals, and they also carry extra drinking water and supplies in case anyone runs out during the day. We find that clients are always amazed by how good and plentiful the food is, especially when you round a corner and your lunch table is laid out before you!
On the way up to the Shira camp

Any further questions?
A key part of choosing a company is being able to come and talk about your plans with an experienced course advisor face to face. In an increasingly virtual world, we know our clients value speaking to real people, and getting honest advice. Our office and shop is in Windermere in the English Lake District.

Get in contact to arrange a meeting, and come in for a coffee to discuss your course in person with a trip advisor. Many people opt for this service, and it is an integral part of what we offer, as we are keen to ensure that you are prepared as possible, and that you select a course that is suitable for you.

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