route ideas for you to consider after an Icicle course
At previous reunions, some clients have asked "What
should I do next, and what can I reasonably do on my
own without a Guide?". Whilst at a first glance
it may seem in our interest to tell people to just come
back straight away on another course, this may be counter-productive.
Most people benefit from going away to consolidate the
skills that they learnt on the course, before they even
consider another course. There is no one answer to the
question above, but this section is to give you some
ideas. The aim of most of our courses is to make you
much more autonomous, so the first thing you should
remember is that you have learnt a lot of skills on
a course, and to remember them, you must practise them
regularly (whether in the Alps, Scotland, the Lakes,
Snowdonia, a crag, climbing wall, or even just on your
stairs at home - just ignore the strange looks!!!).
Once you have consolidated your skills somewhat, you
should build up to attempt routes that you climbed with
a Guide, and then harder routes. It is at this stage
that you might again benefit from the skills of a Guide
again, and you should consider another course.