
Most people visiting the Alps for the first time are concerned
about acclimatisation. Below are some of the key points
to remember about acclimatisation, at Alpine altitudes:
i) Most feelings of nausea are created by your physical
effort at altitude
ii) The most common effect of altitude is sleeping badly
in mountain huts
iii) No one has died of altitude sickness (pulmonary or
cerebral) in the Alps
iv) Many of the headaches are caused by sunstroke and
dehydration effects
v) Breathing difficulties are frequently due to the dry
and cold air, not altitude
Whilst we are not stating that altitude sickness does
not exist at Alpine altitudes, most of the symptoms of
altitude sickness that people feel, are possibly due to
other natural reasons, and if these are remedied first
it is unlikely that you will suffer from the altitude. |
i) Technically you can suffer altitude sickness from 1000m
(the height of Snowdon, or the Chamonix valley)
ii) In the Alps the altitude is not too great, and there
are simple methods of overcoming altitude sickness at
these heights. A basic plan of acclimatisation is advantageous,
you should try and eat and drink often (even though you
may loose apetite), and you can take asprin (this helps
with any headaches you may suffer, and thins the blood
slightly). If you also follow the addage of 'climb high,
sleep low', you will get good rest and be able to overcome
/ delay many of the problems of altitude by good and rested
physical condition. The classic example of this is that
many Guides now choose to take clients up Mont Blanc from
the first cable car, rather than an Alpine start from
a hut (eg Cosmiques), and to sleep in a hut on the descent
(eg Grands Mulets or the Tete Rousse). In this way you
start out fresh, avoid the crowds, and can see good views
throughout the ascent.
iii) If you feel that you are suffering from altitude
sickness, as opposed to noticing the altitude, mention
this to the others in your group, so that they can help
monitor the situation. |
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